
概  览
  • 时间: 2018年03月31日
  • 地点: 广州
  • 介绍: 详见下方赛事介绍
正式报名开始时间: 2018年02月15日
正式报名结束时间: 2018年02月26日
报名费用: 中国大陆(200.00元)
赛事起点: 花都广场
关门限时: 3小时30分
正式报名开始时间: 2018年02月15日
正式报名结束时间: 2018年02月26日
报名费用: 中国大陆(120.00元)
赛事起点: 花都广场
关门限时: 1小时30分

2018北汽新能源·广州花都摇滚马拉松 – 报名信息文案

2018 BAIC BJEV Rock ‘n’ Roll Guangzhou Huadu Half Marathon – Race Information and Competition Rules



Race Day:2018-03-31


Place:Huadu Square




Registration Time


Registration Fee




Registration Status


Half Marathon

2018-02-14 00:00
2018-03-16 24:00



Half Marathon 5000 Participants




Half Marathon

(Overseas Participants)

2018-02-14 00:00
2018-03-16 24:00



Happy Run

2018-02-14 00:00
2018-03-16 24:00



Happy Run 5000 Participants




Happy Run

(Overseas Participants)

2018-02-14 00:00
2018-03-16 24:00





2018 BAIC BJEV Rock ‘n’ Roll Guangzhou Huadu Half Marathon will be held in Huadu, Guangzhou on March 31st. Race distances include, Half Marathon and Happy Run (6km). The event expects to have total 10,000 participants, 5,000 participants for Half, 5,000 participants for Happy Run.


Organizing Committee:


Host Unit: People's Government of Huadu District, Guangzhou


Support Unit: Huadu Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Television, Press and Publication (Sports Bureau), Wanda Sports Group


Organizer: ShuangYi Sports. Ltd., Guangzhou Athletics Association



Race Information:


Date, Time and Location

1. 比赛时间:2018年3月31日(星期六)

1.  Race Date: 3/31/2018 (Saturday)

2. 发令时间:14:30(半程马拉松) 14:50(欢乐跑)

2.  Starting Time: 14:30 (Half), 14:50 (Happy Run)

3. 地点:花都广场

3.  Start and Finish Area: Huadu Square



Race Distance

1. 半程马拉松(21.0975公里)

1.  Half Marathon (21.0975km)

2. 欢乐跑(约6公里)

2.  Happy Run (6km)



Course Map:

1. 半程马拉松(21.0975公里)

1. Half Marathon (21.0975km) 


路线:花都广场(起点) —— 迎宾大道往东 —— 迎宾大道往南 —— 进入迎宾大道与商业大道交界隧道 —— 出隧道,至迎宾大道与新街河交界往西 —— 沿公园路段进入花都湖公园 —— 沿花都湖公园园内主道前行 —— 至观虹桥,过桥 —— 沿新街河对面园内主道前行 —— 沿新街河往东,至新街河与迎宾大道交界,沿迎宾大道往南 —— 沿迎宾大道,进入迎宾大道与镜湖大道交界隧道 —— 出隧道,至第一个路口,从迎宾大道北侧道路折返(迎宾大道与清莲路交界附近) —— 至新街河,沿新街河往东,进入湿地公园 —— 沿湿地公园主道绕行一圈 —— 沿新街河往西,至迎宾大道北侧道路 —— 迎宾大道北侧道路往北 —— 迎宾大道北侧道路往西 —— 至迎宾大道与公益路交界折返 —— 迎宾大道往东 —— 抵达花都广场(终点)

Start and Finish Area: Huadu Square

Huadu Square (Start) – Yingbin Ave to east – Enter the Green Finance Street Tunnel – Continue on Yingbin Ave – Turn west and enter the Huadu Lake Park Green Path at pass the intersection of Yingbin Ave and Xinhe River – Follow the main path inside the Huadu Lake Park – Across the Rainbow-view Bridge – Continue on the main path inside the Huadu Lake Park – Exit the Huadu Lake Park path to Yingbin Ave – Enter the Jinghu Ave Tunnel – Continue on Yingbin Ave – Turn back to the north side of Yingbin Ave at the first pedestrian crossing – Continue on Yingbin Ave – Enter the Huadu Wetland Park – Continue on the main path inside the Huadu Wetland Park – Exit the Huadu Wetland Park to Yingbin Ave – Continue on Yingbin Ave to west - Turn back at the intersection of Yingbin Ave and Gongyi Road – Back to Huadu Square (Finish)


2. 欢乐跑(6km)

2.  Happy Run(6km) 


路线:花都广场(起点) —— 迎宾大道往东 —— 至迎宾大道与商业大道交界处折返 —— 迎宾大道北侧道路往西 —— 至迎宾大道与公益路交界折返 —— 迎宾大道往东 —— 抵达花都广场(终点)

Start and Finish Area: Huadu Square

Huadu Square (Start) – Yingbin Ave to east – To the intersection of Yingbin Ave and Baishou Road – Turn back to the north side of Yingbin Ave – Yingbin Ave to west – Turn back at the intersection of Yingbin Ave and Gongyi Road – Back to Huadu Square (Finish)



*This is not the final course map. The organizing committee may fine-tune before the race day.



Competition Rules:

1. 比赛项目(半程马拉松、欢乐跑)

1.  Half Marathon (21.0975km), Happy Run (6km)

1) 按中国田径协会最新的田径竞赛规则和本次马拉松赛竞赛章程执行。

1) According to the latest competition rules of the Chinese Athletic Association, and the regulations of this marathon race.

2) 比赛检录:各项目参赛运动员必须于2018年3月31日下午13:30-14:50分别到起点指定区域进行检录。

2)  All participants must check in during 13:30-14:50 on March 31, 2018, respectively to the starting point designated areas:





13:50 – 14:50

Check in:


Happy Run


13:50 – 14:50






Start Time:


Happy Run



3) 起跑顺序:按半程马拉松、欢乐跑分别进行检录、起跑。

3) The starting order: half-marathon and Happy Run participants will be divided according to expected finishing time.

4) 计时办法

4) Timing

A. 本次比赛采用感应计时办法。仅有半程马拉松参赛者将佩戴芯片参赛。感应计时芯片将在参赛运动员通过起点开始计时。

A. This clocking method adopts induction timing. Only Half Marathon participants will have timing chip. Timing chip will begin when participants pass through the starting line

B. 在起点、终点及赛道各结点将设置计时毯,参赛运动员在跑进过程中,必须通过所有地面计时毯,若在关门时间内完成比赛但缺少任何一个计时点成绩,将不予排名。

B. Timing blanket will be set at the start point, end point and some key points along the course. All participants must pass through all time blankets. Although the participants finish the subject by time, the result is not official if he/she miss any time blanket.

C. 半程马拉松计时芯片将在参赛物品领取现场与号码布一同发放。(欢乐跑参赛运动员不提供芯片)

C. For the Half Marathon participants, timing chip will be issued along with the bib at the pick-up location. (Happy Run participants will not have the timing chips)

5) 有关竞赛的具体要求和安排,请查阅《参赛手册》(在赛前发放参赛包时发放)。

5) For more specific requirements and arrangements of the competition, please refer to the event guide. (the event guide can be found inside the race bag and will be distributed before the race day)

6) 对关门时间内完成比赛的运动员现场发放完赛奖牌,请在关门时间内完成相应比赛项目的运动员于赛后3个工作日登录赛事官方网站,进行成绩查询并自行打印成绩证书。

6) All official finishers will receive a finisher medal if they finish their subjects on time. And they are allowed to log on to the official website to download and print their certificate of achievement after 3 days of the event.

7) 组委会将在出发点和终点计时处进行录像监控,违反比赛规定的参赛运动员将被取消参赛成绩,个人资料将录入报名识别系统,两年内禁止参加摇滚马拉松系列赛事。违规包含以下几种类型:

7) The organizing committee will conduct video surveillance in the starting point and end point at the time, the participant who violated any rule of this event will be prohibited registration for any Rock ‘n’ Roll events in China in the next two years. Violations include the following types:

A. 使用虚假年龄或虚假身份报名

A. Using false age or false identity to sign up

B. 未按要求佩戴号码布

B. Not wearing bib as required

C. 未按规定佩戴芯片的(如携带他人计时芯片,一名运动员同时携带2枚及以上计时芯片参加比赛)

C. Not wearing timing chip according to regulations (such as carrying other one timing chip, or an athlete carries two or more timing chips to compete at the same time)

D. 未按规定起跑时间在非报名项目、非出发区起跑

D. Not starting in the right subject or area

E. 起跑有违反规则行为的

E. Start of a race while violating the rules

F. 未按规定线路比赛,抄近道或途中插入

F. Taking short cut

G. 伪造号码布参赛或替跑

G. Faking bib or identification

H. 比赛中采用挤人、推人、撞人、绊人等犯规行为

H. Any behavior against sport spirit, including pushing and hitting others

I. 未跑完全程或在终点不按规定要求重复通过,领取纪念品

I. Not finishing the whole distance and obtaining souvenir repeatedly

J. 不服从赛事工作人员指挥,干扰赛事,聚众闹事

J. Not obeying the command of committee

K. 其他违反比赛规定行为,按照比赛有关规定进行处理

K. Other behavior against any requirement of committee

8) 各项目关门时间











8) Closing Time



Happy Run

Total Race Time

3hr 30min

1hr 30min

Closing Time



Responsible for the safety of the participants, after the traffic control are removed from the course, the participants shall immediately stop and evacuate or take on the evacuating vehicles at the nearest place. All registered participants will be responsible for their own safety. In case of special circumstances, the organizing committee has the right to decide to close the course in advance, and the participants shall obey the conductor.

9) 本次比赛当天对半程马拉松、欢乐跑项目运动员提供存包服务。

9) Providing bag check for Half Marathon and Happy Run participants.

10) 报名须知:

10) Registration Information:

A. 年龄要求:

A. Age Qualification:

a) 半程马拉松项目运动员须在比赛当年满 16 周岁(2002年3月31日及之前出生),18 岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明。

a) Half marathon participant must be born before March 31, 2002 (>16-year-old). Participants who under 18-year-old, guardian or legal representatives is required to sign the race declaration.

b) 欢乐跑项目运动员须在比赛当年满12周岁(2006年3月31日及之前出生),18岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明。

b) Happy Run participant must be born before March 31, 2006 (>12-year-old). Participants who under 18-year-old, legal guardian or legal representatives is required to sign the race declaration.

B. 参赛者身体状况要求:

B. Physical Qualification:


Marathon is a high strength, risk and competitive sport. All participants should have certain physical and mental conditions, who are healthy and used to running for a long distance. All participants under the following condition are not allowed in this event, including but not limit to:

a) 先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病患者

a) Congenital heart disease & rheumatic heart disease

b) 高血压和脑血管疾病患者

b) Hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases

c) 心肌炎和其他心脏病患者

c) Myocarditis and other heart diseases

d) 冠状动脉病患者和严重心律不齐者

d) Coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia

e) 血糖过高或过低的糖尿病患者

e) High blood sugar or low blood sugar

f) 比赛日前两周以内患感冒者其它不适合运动的疾病患者

f) Catching a cold or any symptom which is not suitable for running

g) 孕妇

g) Ladies who are pregnant


In case of any personal injury or property damage caused by personal or personal reasons, the participant shall be responsible for him/herself.


The organizing committee requires the participants to go to the relevant medical institutions for a comprehensive physical examination within one month before the competition, and apply for personal accident insurance on their own.

C. 报名办法:

C. Registration:

a) 国内报名人员(不含港、澳、台地区)均使用二代身份证,军人可使用军官证或士兵证,外籍报名人员使用护照。

a) Domestic registration personnel (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan area) must use second-generation ID card. Soldier may use a military officer's license or a military certificate. Foreign applicants should use passport.

 b) 赛事规模10000人:半程马拉松5000人、欢乐跑5000人。

 b) There will be maximum 10,000 participants in this event, which is composed by 5,000 Half Marathon participants, 5,000 Happy Run participants.

 c) 报名时间:从2018年2月14日起至2018年3月16日报满为止。

 c) Registration duration: From February 14, 2018 till March 16, 2018, and reaching maximum participant amount.

D. 报名收费标准:

D. Registration Fee:

a) 半程马拉松报名费:200元/人

a) Half Marathon: 200 RMB / Person

b) 欢乐跑报名费:120元/人

b) Happy Run: 120 RMB / Person

c) 外籍选手报名费:所有项目均为315元/人

c) Overseas Participants: 315 RMB / Person (Same price for all distances)

d) 每名参赛选手须认真填写所有报名信息并提交;报名费支付成功后即获得资格。

d) All participants must submit required information, and agree the information they submitted are authentic.

e) 各参赛选手交通费、食宿费、比赛期间伤病医疗费等费用自理。

e) All participants have to cover their own transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, medical expenses if injury and other expense during the event.

f) 报名成功后报名费不予退还,名额仅限本人参赛,不允许转让。

f) Once registered, bib number is neither allowed to transfer nor to sell.

E. 奖励办法:

E. Prize:

a) 半程马拉松男、女前三名分别获奖金(见下表:税前人民币)









a)  Half Marathon Male and Female Top Three Prize (Currency: RMB, pre tax)


First Place

Second Place

Third Place





b) 完赛奖:在关门时间内跑完所报项目的参赛运动员均获得完赛奖牌。

b) All official finishers will receive a finisher medal if they finish their subjects on time.

c) 所有完赛运动员请于赛后登录赛事官方网站自行下载并打印成绩证书。

c) All participants are allowed to log on to the official website to download and print their certificate of achievement after the event.

d) 获得半程马拉松比赛男女前三的运动员在颁奖台进行颁奖,并发放领奖服一件(获奖人员需穿着组委会指定领奖服上台领奖,获奖运动员参加颁奖仪式期间禁止携带任何与赛事无关物品,否则视为弃奖)

d) Any unrelated items to the event are prohibited, the winners of half marathon must wear official permitted kit to join the awarding ceremony. Otherwise, they will be automatically regarded as abandoning the award.

e) 半程马拉松比赛男女前三名单将在赛事官网公示一周,领奖有效期为正式公布获奖名单后 30 天内,逾期未办理者按弃奖处理。

e) The man and woman winner of the half marathon will be listed on official website. If they do not contact the committee within 30 days after releasing the final results, they will be automatically regarded as abandoning the award.


f) The first three participants of both male and female will be ranked by the gun firing time, other participants will be ranked according to the chip time.

g) 特别提示:本次赛事不允许借助工具(如:轮椅、轮滑等)参加比赛。

g) This event does not allow the use any tools (such as: wheelchairs, roller skating, etc.) to participate.



Race Bag Pick-up:

1. 所有项目参赛运动员均配发参赛T恤、赛包、号码布(一大一小,按颜色区分项目)、参赛手册。

1.  Each participant is assigned one T-shirt, one race bag, two bibs (one big, one small, color set by distance), and an event guide.

2. 半程马拉松配发计时芯片。

2. Half Marathon participants will receive the timing chips.

3. 参赛运动员领取参赛包时,须携带有效身份证件。本次赛事不允许代领包裹。 

3. When the participants come to receive their bags, they must bring valid ID cards. Runners cannot ask mandatary to pick up the race bag or bib for them.

4. 赛包领取及地点:

4. Race Bag Pick-up Location:

时间:2018 年 3 月 28日 10:00 - 19:00

2018 年 3 月 29日 10:00 - 19:00

2018 年 3 月 30日 10:00 - 19:00

2018 年 3 月 31日 08:00 - 11:00

Date and Time:  March 28, 2018  10:00 – 19:00

March 29, 2018  10:00 – 19:00

March 30, 2018  10:00 – 19:00

March 31, 2018  08:00 – 11:00


Location: Huadu Square





The organizing committee will insure all participants against personal accident insurance. Please refer to the official website of the sports website for the insurance instructions.



Official Contact:

报名咨询热线: 4009642195

Official Q&A Number: 4009642195

官方邮箱: rnrhuadu@ironman.com

Official Q&A Email: rnrhuadu@ironman.com


Registration Website: https://sports.wanda.cn/



1. 未尽事项,另行通知,本规程解释权归组委会所有。

1. There will be information about other items and the committee has all the explaining right reserved.

2. 如果中英文有不明确,以中文解释为准。

2. If there is ambiguity between Chinese and English, the Chinese will prevail.

